Self-funded medical treatment


Our clinic also offers a range of self-pay medical treatment to meet the various needs of city workers.

MYmedicalclinic Shibuya 03-4579-901103-4579-9011
MYmedicalclinic Otemachi 03-4565-020003-4565-0200
MYmedicalclinic Yokohamaminatomirai 03-4570-054903-4570-0549

ZeoSkin Health, a dedicated skincare program for medical institutions, is also available for purchase at your own expense.

A doctor’s consultation is always required to purchase ZeoSkin Health product.

A consultation with our doctor (either in person or online) is mandatory.

Shibuya Clinic: outpatient and internal medicine reception hours


16:30~20:00 × × ×

*Closed: Saturday evenings / Sunday evenings / public holidays

*Women’s outpatient [gynaecology] is available on Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday mornings and afternoons, and [mammology] on Saturday mornings.

Otemachi Clinic: outpatient and internal medicine reception hours


午前の部9:00~12:30 × × ×
午後の部13:30~16:30 × × ×
夜間の部18:00~20:00 × × ×

*Closed: Saturday / Sunday / public holidays

*Women’s Outpatient Clinic [Gynecology] is open on Wednesdays/Fridays.

Yokohama Minatomirai Clinic: Outpatient and Internal Medicine Office Hours


午前の部9:00~12:30 × ×
午後の部13:30~16:30 × ×
夜間の部18:00~20:00 × × ×

*Closed: Saturday / Sunday / public holidays

*Women’s Outpatient Clinic [Gynecology] is open on Tuesdays/Fridays.

Self-pay medical treatment


influenza vaccine It is expected to prevent the onset of influenza and prevent complications and death from influenza.

Adverse Reactions
In rare cases, serious adverse reactions such as shock, anaphylaxis, encephalitis, and encephalopathy may occur.

For more information, please click here.

Inapplicable to the following patients
Patients with obvious fever
People who are clearly suffering from a serious acute illness, etc.

¥3,960(including tax)
HPV vaccine This vaccine prevents infection with HPV, which causes cervical cancer.

It is believed that the majority of women who have had sexual intercourse are infected with HPV.

In most cases, HPV infection is naturally eliminated from the body, but if HPV is not eliminated and the infection persists for a long period of time, a portion of the HPV infection can cause cervical cancer.

Since cervical cancer is one of the few cancers that can be prevented with a vaccine, it is recommended to be vaccinated against it, especially when young.

Gardasil 9
¥38,500 (including tax)/time
110,000 yen (including tax) *Payment for 3 times in a lump sum
Sylgard 9
¥44,000 (including tax)/time
histoglobin injection It is a fundamental treatment to improve allergic diseases from the constitution by regular injections.

It is an effective treatment for those suffering from chronic hay fever symptoms.
Side effects
In rare cases, side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, and headache may occur.

Inapplicable to
Patients just before or during menstruation (as it may temporarily aggravate symptoms)

Pregnant women or those who may be pregnant (because the safety of administration during pregnancy has not been proven).

When symptoms are relatively mild
¥1,650 (including tax)
When symptoms are severe
¥2,750 (including tax)
Myers Cocktail Direct intravenous infusion of vitamins and minerals can be effective for general fatigue, malaise, depression, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, and menstrual irregularities.

Side Effects
Please consult with us if you have a history of allergy in the past.
First time
¥5,500 (including tax)
After the 2nd visit
¥7,700 (including tax)
placenta injections It is expected to improve skin, whiten skin, antioxidants, liver function, hormonal balance, and relieve fatigue.

Side effects
Rarely, symptoms such as fever, chills, nausea, redness, etc. may occur.
¥1,100 (including tax)
¥1,640 (including tax)
garlic injection It has an immediate effect and can be expected to relieve fatigue immediately after injection.

It is also effective because vitamin B1 is depleted by stress, alcohol, and smoking.

Side effects
Rarely, vascular pain or a feeling of heat in the body may occur.
Fatigue and other symptoms may occur after administration of intravenous infusion.
Inability to administer
Patients with impaired renal function or on dialysis
Pregnant women and nursing mothers
550 yen (including tax)
1,100 yen (including tax)
Garlic + vitamin C injection It is considered strengthen the immune system, prevent colds and viral infections, suppress melanin production, and increase collagen production for beautiful skin.

Side effects
Rarely, vascular pain and a feeling of heat in the body may occur.

Fatigue may occur after administration of intravenous infusion.

Inability to administer
Patients with impaired renal function or on dialysis
Pregnant women and nursing mothers
¥2,750(including tax)
beauty skin injection Injection at least once or twice a week is effective.

It is expected to inhibit melanin, which causes blemishes, and promote collagen production.

Side effects
May cause vascular pain during injection.

¥2,200(including tax)
skin whitening drops It provides more vitamin C and comprehensive vitamin B complex than skin care injections.

It is also expected to be effective for neuralgia, atopy, hay fever, etc.

Although it depends on the individual, we recommend injections once a week, and after consulting with a doctor, regular injections are expected to maintain the effect.

Side effects
There is a possibility of anaphylactic shock.

There is a possibility of abdominal pain and diarrhea.

¥3,850 (including tax)
With prescription
+¥1,100 (including tax)



influenza virus test Wipe mucus from the throat or nose and examine the virus contained in it to determine whether it is positive or negative.

Both type A and type B viruses can be tested.

The test takes about 15 minutes.

¥4,400 (including tax) *Insurance treatment: about ¥1,550
anti-influenza virus drug Inhaled drugs reach directly to the throat and bronchial tubes, where influenza viruses multiply, and are effective in suppressing the growth of influenza viruses.

¥6,600 (including tax)
norovirus test A rapid test kit is used to test stool samples collected from the patient, and results are available in about 15 minutes.

Mainly vomiting and diarrhea
The incubation period is 1 to 2 days, and the infection is highly contagious.

¥3,850 (including tax)
mountain sickness medicine This is a drug for the prevention of altitude sickness.

It is said to be more likely to occur when climbing rapidly to an altitude of 2,500 m. Even if not in a mountainous area, altitude sickness can occur in high altitude places abroad or when traveling by cable car.

Side effects
Side effects such as dizziness, lightheadedness, numbness, frequent urination, polyuria, rash, and fever may occur.

Persons to whom it cannot be administered
Pregnant or lactating women
Patients with pre-existing medical conditions such as liver or kidney dysfunction
5-day supply
¥1,650(including tax)
For 10 days
¥3,300(including tax)
HIV rapid test A blood test is performed to test for HIV antigen antibodies to determine if the patient is infected.

Results are available on the same day in 20 minutes.

¥5,500 (including tax)
AGA Therapeutics We prescribe AGA medication.

We medically solve the hair problems that many people have today.

Patients who are not allowed to take the drugs
Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to 5-alpha reductase inhibitors
Women and children
Patients with severe liver dysfunction
¥10,890 (including tax)
Drug Addiction Detection Test A drug toxicology kit called SINNIFY ER is used to test for the presence of certain drugs in urine.

Results are available on the same day in 5 minutes.

¥5,500(including tax)
Medical certificate
¥3,300 (including tax)

STD test

STD Complete Test

This is a set menu that allows you to test for multiple STDs all at once.
Recommended for those who wish to be tested for all typical sexually transmitted diseases.

Inspection Items
Male: 14 items
Female: 15 items
HIV,syphilis,hepatitis B, hepatitis C, herpes, chlamydia (throat/genital),gonorrhea (throat/genital), mycoplasma (genital),ureaplasma (genital),candida,trichomonas,general bacteria,HPV (women only)
method of examination Blood collection, urinalysis / Vaginal swab, throat examination
Amount (including tax) 男性:¥35,200

Various STD tests

It is also possible to choose one test at a time.
This is recommended for those who have a specific list of tests they want to take, or for those who want to combine tests for each individual.

Various STD tests


checklist Amount (including tax) sex method of examination 結果
HIV ¥5,500(including tax) common to both sexes blood test After one week
hepatitis B ¥3,300(including tax) common to both sexes After one week
hepatitis C ¥5,500(including tax) common to both sexes After one week
herpes ¥2,200(including tax) common to both sexes Throat: collected with gargle solution After one week
Chlamydia (throat/genital) ¥2,200(including tax) common to both sexes After one week
gonococcus (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) ¥3,300(including tax) common to both sexes After one week
Ureaplasma (genitalia) ¥3,300(including tax) common to both sexes After one week
candida ¥4,400(including tax) common to both sexes Sexual organs: urine (male),Sexual organ: Vagina (female) After one week
trichomonas ¥3,300(including tax) common to both sexes After one week
General bacteria ¥3,300(including tax) common to both sexes After one week
HPV (high risk) ¥5,500(including tax) Women only Vagina After one week

What you need for your first visit

  1. 1. Health insurance card
  2. 2. If you are eligible for a medical expense subsidy, please present your medical ticket or beneficiary card (*).
  3. 3.Reference letter *If you have one
  4. 4.Medication book (if you do not have one, please bring your current medication).
  • Insurance cards must be checked at the beginning of each month by the medical insurance organisation.

  • If the insurance card cannot be verified, the treatment cannot be treated as insured treatment.

    Copies of insurance cards are also not accepted.

    In this case, the treatment will be treated as self-funded, but will be refunded if you bring your insurance card within the specified date.

  • Our clinic is a designated non-workers’ compensation medical institution and does not provide workers’ compensation services.

  • Credit cards (JCB, Amex, VISA, MasterCard, Diners, DISCOVER) are accepted.

About various medical certificates


検査 料金 事例
Medical certificate (medical condition, absence from work, etc.) 3,300円(税込) 診断書例
Certificate (treatment, etc.) 3,300円(税込) 治癒証明書例
Diagnosis of Mental Dysfunction (e.g., cosmetology, state examinations, etc.) 3,300円(税込) 診断書例
Medical certificate for tuberculosis (with x-ray examination, beauty salon manager, etc.) 5,500円(税込) 診断書例
Medical certificate for methamphetamine, etc. (with urine test for drugs, for license to handle narcotics, etc.) 8,800円(税込) 診断書例
Certificate of Physical Examination for Small Vessel Pilot 5,500円(税込) 証明書例

About waiting time

We give priority to those with appointments.

The waiting time may vary depending on the nature of the consultation or procedure.

Please note that the waiting time may be longer during busy times.

Outpatient Web Reservations

